Welcome to Stage and Screen's Discounted Rate Hotel Program

An average of over 22% saved on every booking

Unlock unparalleled value and enhanced savings with our exclusive discounted rate offerings. Experience the epitome of affordability without sacrificing on quality.

Maximised Savings

Enjoy rates with even deeper discounts, saving you an average of over 22% on every booking. Experience exceptional value without compromising on comfort.

Program Benefits

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Flexible Cancellation

Enjoy peace of mind with our flexible cancellation policies, allowing you to adjust your plans as needed.
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VIP Treatment

Be treated like the VIP you are, receiving personalised attention and service throughout your stay.
Trusted Relationships

Loyalty Rewards

Earn valuable loyalty points and frequent guest recognition with each booking, rewarding you for your continued patronage.

Experience the unmatched value and convenience of Stage and Screen's Discounted Rate Hotel Program

Book your next stay with us and elevate your travel experience without breaking the bank.

Let's talk savings

Discount Hotel Program Benefits


  • Extensive Coverage: Access over 7,836 hotels across 72 countries and 3,078 cities, ensuring you'll find the perfect accommodation wherever your travels take you.
  • High Discount Rates: Benefit from a remarkable 98% of hotels offering discounts of 15% or higher off standard rates.
  • Seamless Booking: Book with ease through our Global Distribution System, ensuring a streamlined reservation process.
  • Flexibility Guaranteed: Enjoy flexible cancellation policies at all participating hotels, providing you with added flexibility and peace of mind.
  • Maximum Discounts: Save big with hotel discounts of up to 30% off standard rates, allowing you to stretch your travel budget further.
  • Inclusive Amenities: Stay connected with complimentary Wi-Fi included in 99% of our participating properties, keeping you connected wherever you go.
  • Brand Diversity: Choose from a diverse selection of 105 renowned hotel brands, ensuring there's an option to suit every preference and style.

Join us today and embark on a journey filled with savings, comfort, and unforgettable experiences.

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